Ok, my first year in college, my Typography teacher introduced me to a website that lets you draw with type. I had forgotten it for a while, but I got my friend hooked on typography, and had been meaning to dig it up for her. I did...and being bored, I played around with it. The site seems to be having some issues with linking, so instead of embedding it from the site (if that's even possible) I just uploaded it.
The image is clickable...it should take you to the application so you can play with it if you want. **If it doesn't work, please let me know, and I'll post the url for the home site so you can access it in a more indirect way.**
I both love and hate starting a new blog. I love it, because it's interesting and fun, and I'm always eager to see if anyone actually commented. (Which is rare.) I hate it because it consumes my thoughts and makes me think as if I'm blogging in my head--and I sorta do that anyway, but it's worse when I start a new blog--my brain gets so stuffed full of ideas that I can't seperate them to decide what I want to post about and what I want to keep private. D:
Anyway. So I found out that my Spring Break was actually not ruined by the snow days. My teacher for my TTH class is going to be out of town, so we don't have to show up. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were the snow make-up days. Monday isn't a class I "go" to, it's a "web enhanced" day. (The class is sort of a hybrid class.) Wednesday is being used to make up a lost Monday--which pretty much has no effect on me, because the class doesn't meet on Mondays! So, I still have Spring Break!
Not that it really makes a lick of difference for me. I don't go to Fort Lauderdale or anything like that. I'm not a party girl...at all. At the parties I go to and host, things are "wild and crazy" while playing an adjective word-based card game, or when two people are at 150%+ damage and knocking each other almost off-stage in Brawl or Melee. =D Good times, good times~
If I'd known sooner that I'd still have my full Spring Break, I might've cleaned up the house to make my Mom happy so I could go spend some time with my best friend, who is the one living 3 hours away (in the mountains). I know my fiance would've liked that...
On the other hand, I have a lot of work to do. I have to work on a new project we were assigned in my design class, plus I have to try and make up some stuff I got behind on, and I need to take a bunch of photos in preperation for the catalog project that is ongoing in my CG class...So I guess it's really for the better that I didn't feel I could make plans. :<
I think the external floppy was delivered about an hour ago...I saw the sun glinting off the deliver guy's shiny bald head. XD But I'm too lazy to get up and get it, and Mom didn't want to go out in her PJs. XP I'll get it in a little while. The weather's nice, so it's not in any danger.
Hard to believe we can have 4-5 inches of snow and 70 degree weather in the same week...
I find some Christians to be very funny in how they try to make everything relate and connect and "prove" their beliefs are right.
There's a church that advertises on a local radio station--yes, advertise! Some people might argue that "That minister's not advertising! He's spreading inspirational messages!" You're half right. He is trying to spread inspirational messages. But it's not altruistic. They say the name and location of the church at the end of each message. That makes it advertising! You hear the message, you might like it, and then you might go to that church. And you know what they do at church? They pass around a plate for you to put money in. Advertising! I wonder if they're using the collection money to pay for it! I would think that would be unethical...collection is supposed to be for charities and stuff. >.o
But I digress....
This minsiter who advertises says some odd stuff sometimes. I think he's trying to not be offensive, which is nice. He never says anything bad about any group of people...at least, not that I've heard. But he likes to make it look like other cultures and belief systems actually support Christianity. Today...he was doing that with ancient Greece. I'm sorry to say this (I'm lying, I'm not sorry at all) but the ancient Greek beliefs predate Christianity, so nothing in their mythos relates to Christianity. At all. Sorry (not). He was talking about the 2 kinds of "time" in Greek, "chronos" and "proto". According to the minister, "chronos time is how mankind measures time. Proto time refer's to God's time..."
Lolwut? Why would the ancient Greeks say that "proto" time refers to how the Christian god measures time? >.> You can't do that! You can't make everything revolve around Christianity! Teaching things like that is the same reason people thought women were inferior to men as mandated by "God". If he had said "Proto time refers to the Greek gods' time" it would've been fine, and correct. But he didn't. He was twisted it around so that something relating to the polythestic religion of the ancient Greeks became about Christianity.
I don't have a problem with Christians or Christianity, let me get that strait. What I have a problem with is the perversion of history used to support ANY belief system! It seems to be most common in Christianity. One of the most notable examples is when King James had the Bible rewritten to support his rule.
Currently, the same thing is happening in Iran, Iraq and other Islamic countries. The people there are only allowed to watch news the Islamic governments make, and it's 100% propaganda supporting everything they do! You heard about the Mickey Mouse ripoff promoting jihad, right?
When I was in middle school, we learned about the Holocaust. At that time, we learned that there are some isolated communities that actually think Hitler was still running Germany.
I took German as a foreign language in high school. My German teacher had visited Germany several times, and said a lot of Germany doesn't believe the Holocaust even happened! They deny that concentration or execution camps ever existed anywhere at any time. They deny that Jews were herded in to ghettos and forced to live as less than human beings. When German kids are taught about WWII, they learn a completely different version of events than what is taught in America.
So Christians aren't the only ones to try and rewrite the facts to support them and discredit everyone else. I don't like it when anyone does it!
/endrant/ XD Sorry. I have my passionate moments. I'm a believer in the unadultered teaching of history as fact, not propeganda or opinion. Leave the opinion stuff for the mythology study where it belongs!
Advertising amuses me. I love it when certain companies/products decide they're "arch rivals" or something and spend as much time talking about the competition as they do talking about themselves. Claritin and ZYRTEC, for example. Claritin's entire reasoning for being better than ZYRTEC is that Claritin won't make you drowsy, but ZYRTEC will. ZYRTEC's entire reasoning for being better than Claritin is that it's 2 hours faster. XD Claritin just took a leap ahead of ZYRTEC though. They recently released new gel capsules...which you probably saw the ad for if you clicked on "Claritin" where I first mentioned it. Liquid-filled gel capsule medications are some of the fastest acting medicines you can get.
Another one that amuses me is Papa John's vs Pizza Hut vs Domino's ad-war. Domino's kinda started it, I think. They added chicken wings and sandwiches and other things to their menu that was non-pizza, to try and broaden their clientele. Pizza Hut decided to do pasta, and started doing these funny "candid camera" type of commercials. It reminded me of a totally different ad campaign, but I can't remember now what it was. Papa John's made me actually laugh though. They added pasta to their menu now too. I think it's been about 4 or 5 months since Pizza Hut added pasta to their menu, and maybe 1 or 2 for Papa John's. But what made me laugh was what Papa John's says in the ads announcing their pasta. "We didn't want to be the first, just the best!" That is such a lie. You always want to be the "first" company to introduce a new type of product. You get the credit for "revolutionizing" the market, and most importantly: the customers go to you first.
Anytime something new comes out, people who try it will either love it or hate it. If they love it, they will be loyal to it. If they hate it, they aren't likely to trust any similar products. If you tried Pizza Hut's pasta and thought it was nasty, you wouldn't blame Pizza Hut specifically (most likely), you would blame the type of resturaunt. "Oh, a pizza joint can't make good pasta! They don't know what they're doing, they're only good at pizza!" So when you see the ads for Papa John's pasta, you're going to be like, "Ugh, another pizza place trying to make pasta. Pizza Hut sucked, I doubt Papa Johns would be any better!"
The only exception would be if someone already has established loyalty with one company over another. You might be an avid Papa John's fan, who only ate Pizza Hut's pasta because they were the only ones making it. So when Papa John's starts making pasta, you go back to them because you're loyal to Papa John's over Pizza Hut.
Dollhouse comes on tonight at 9. Firefly fans let out a collective *GASP* at the news that Joss Whedon was again working with FOX. When FOX cancelled Firefly, Whedon was livid, and vowed never to deal with FOX again. Huh. Funny how that worked out, huh?
Oh well, I don't blame Whedon. 50/50 chance it wasn't his decision anyway. Studios sometimes bulldoze the writers/directors/producers, even if they're as big a name as Joss Whedon.
I really like Dollhouse so far. It's intriguing. Not that I would expect anything less! However, I do wonder at the casting of Eliza Dushku for the lead. It's not that I don't like her...it just feels to me like she's trying to compete with Sarah Michelle Geller. Eliza Dushku had supporting rolls in Buffy and Angel. She did a good job, certainly. But of course, Sarah Michelle Geller was the star of Buffy, and Charisma Carpenter was the "go-to girl" in Angel.
Glenn Quinn, who played Fred in Angel, is playing a supporting role in Dollhouse. Her character in Dollhouse seems to be slowly becoming more and more important. That's interesting to me, since her character in Angel sort of shaped up similarly. I don't think either character was ever intended to be "small", but their importance grew slowly, so that you became very attached to the character. I cried when Fred died in Angel. Sorry if that's a spoiler for any of you readers, but Angel's been finished for several years now, so I can't be blamed. D: You've had ample opportunity to see the show. XP Some might argue that Fred didn't really die...but she did, as a character. Illyria replaced her. Some of Fred's personality/emotions/memories rubbed off on Illyria, but they were not the same person.
I'm very interested in seeing how important Glenn Quinn's character in Dollhouse will become. I'm also approaching with caution, since there's parallels already. I wouldn't be too surprised if something bad happens. :(
Ok, thanks for taking the time to read my massive blog. XD I hope it entertained/enlightened/educated/amused you. :>
I both love and hate starting a new blog. I love it, because it's interesting and fun, and I'm always eager to see if anyone actually commented. (Which is rare.) I hate it because it consumes my thoughts and makes me think as if I'm blogging in my head--and I sorta do that anyway, but it's worse when I start a new blog--my brain gets so stuffed full of ideas that I can't seperate them to decide what I want to post about and what I want to keep private. D:
Anyway. So I found out that my Spring Break was actually not ruined by the snow days. My teacher for my TTH class is going to be out of town, so we don't have to show up. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were the snow make-up days. Monday isn't a class I "go" to, it's a "web enhanced" day. (The class is sort of a hybrid class.) Wednesday is being used to make up a lost Monday--which pretty much has no effect on me, because the class doesn't meet on Mondays! So, I still have Spring Break!
Not that it really makes a lick of difference for me. I don't go to Fort Lauderdale or anything like that. I'm not a party girl...at all. At the parties I go to and host, things are "wild and crazy" while playing an adjective word-based card game, or when two people are at 150%+ damage and knocking each other almost off-stage in Brawl or Melee. =D Good times, good times~
If I'd known sooner that I'd still have my full Spring Break, I might've cleaned up the house to make my Mom happy so I could go spend some time with my best friend, who is the one living 3 hours away (in the mountains). I know my fiance would've liked that...
On the other hand, I have a lot of work to do. I have to work on a new project we were assigned in my design class, plus I have to try and make up some stuff I got behind on, and I need to take a bunch of photos in preperation for the catalog project that is ongoing in my CG class...So I guess it's really for the better that I didn't feel I could make plans. :<
I think the external floppy was delivered about an hour ago...I saw the sun glinting off the deliver guy's shiny bald head. XD But I'm too lazy to get up and get it, and Mom didn't want to go out in her PJs. XP I'll get it in a little while. The weather's nice, so it's not in any danger.
Hard to believe we can have 4-5 inches of snow and 70 degree weather in the same week...
I find some Christians to be very funny in how they try to make everything relate and connect and "prove" their beliefs are right.
There's a church that advertises on a local radio station--yes, advertise! Some people might argue that "That minister's not advertising! He's spreading inspirational messages!" You're half right. He is trying to spread inspirational messages. But it's not altruistic. They say the name and location of the church at the end of each message. That makes it advertising! You hear the message, you might like it, and then you might go to that church. And you know what they do at church? They pass around a plate for you to put money in. Advertising! I wonder if they're using the collection money to pay for it! I would think that would be unethical...collection is supposed to be for charities and stuff. >.o
But I digress....
This minsiter who advertises says some odd stuff sometimes. I think he's trying to not be offensive, which is nice. He never says anything bad about any group of people...at least, not that I've heard. But he likes to make it look like other cultures and belief systems actually support Christianity. Today...he was doing that with ancient Greece. I'm sorry to say this (I'm lying, I'm not sorry at all) but the ancient Greek beliefs predate Christianity, so nothing in their mythos relates to Christianity. At all. Sorry (not). He was talking about the 2 kinds of "time" in Greek, "chronos" and "proto". According to the minister, "chronos time is how mankind measures time. Proto time refer's to God's time..."
Lolwut? Why would the ancient Greeks say that "proto" time refers to how the Christian god measures time? >.> You can't do that! You can't make everything revolve around Christianity! Teaching things like that is the same reason people thought women were inferior to men as mandated by "God". If he had said "Proto time refers to the Greek gods' time" it would've been fine, and correct. But he didn't. He was twisted it around so that something relating to the polythestic religion of the ancient Greeks became about Christianity.
I don't have a problem with Christians or Christianity, let me get that strait. What I have a problem with is the perversion of history used to support ANY belief system! It seems to be most common in Christianity. One of the most notable examples is when King James had the Bible rewritten to support his rule.
Currently, the same thing is happening in Iran, Iraq and other Islamic countries. The people there are only allowed to watch news the Islamic governments make, and it's 100% propaganda supporting everything they do! You heard about the Mickey Mouse ripoff promoting jihad, right?
When I was in middle school, we learned about the Holocaust. At that time, we learned that there are some isolated communities that actually think Hitler was still running Germany.
I took German as a foreign language in high school. My German teacher had visited Germany several times, and said a lot of Germany doesn't believe the Holocaust even happened! They deny that concentration or execution camps ever existed anywhere at any time. They deny that Jews were herded in to ghettos and forced to live as less than human beings. When German kids are taught about WWII, they learn a completely different version of events than what is taught in America.
So Christians aren't the only ones to try and rewrite the facts to support them and discredit everyone else. I don't like it when anyone does it!
/endrant/ XD Sorry. I have my passionate moments. I'm a believer in the unadultered teaching of history as fact, not propeganda or opinion. Leave the opinion stuff for the mythology study where it belongs!
Advertising amuses me. I love it when certain companies/products decide they're "arch rivals" or something and spend as much time talking about the competition as they do talking about themselves. Claritin and ZYRTEC, for example. Claritin's entire reasoning for being better than ZYRTEC is that Claritin won't make you drowsy, but ZYRTEC will. ZYRTEC's entire reasoning for being better than Claritin is that it's 2 hours faster. XD Claritin just took a leap ahead of ZYRTEC though. They recently released new gel capsules...which you probably saw the ad for if you clicked on "Claritin" where I first mentioned it. Liquid-filled gel capsule medications are some of the fastest acting medicines you can get.
Another one that amuses me is Papa John's vs Pizza Hut vs Domino's ad-war. Domino's kinda started it, I think. They added chicken wings and sandwiches and other things to their menu that was non-pizza, to try and broaden their clientele. Pizza Hut decided to do pasta, and started doing these funny "candid camera" type of commercials. It reminded me of a totally different ad campaign, but I can't remember now what it was. Papa John's made me actually laugh though. They added pasta to their menu now too. I think it's been about 4 or 5 months since Pizza Hut added pasta to their menu, and maybe 1 or 2 for Papa John's. But what made me laugh was what Papa John's says in the ads announcing their pasta. "We didn't want to be the first, just the best!" That is such a lie. You always want to be the "first" company to introduce a new type of product. You get the credit for "revolutionizing" the market, and most importantly: the customers go to you first.
Anytime something new comes out, people who try it will either love it or hate it. If they love it, they will be loyal to it. If they hate it, they aren't likely to trust any similar products. If you tried Pizza Hut's pasta and thought it was nasty, you wouldn't blame Pizza Hut specifically (most likely), you would blame the type of resturaunt. "Oh, a pizza joint can't make good pasta! They don't know what they're doing, they're only good at pizza!" So when you see the ads for Papa John's pasta, you're going to be like, "Ugh, another pizza place trying to make pasta. Pizza Hut sucked, I doubt Papa Johns would be any better!"
The only exception would be if someone already has established loyalty with one company over another. You might be an avid Papa John's fan, who only ate Pizza Hut's pasta because they were the only ones making it. So when Papa John's starts making pasta, you go back to them because you're loyal to Papa John's over Pizza Hut.
Dollhouse comes on tonight at 9. Firefly fans let out a collective *GASP* at the news that Joss Whedon was again working with FOX. When FOX cancelled Firefly, Whedon was livid, and vowed never to deal with FOX again. Huh. Funny how that worked out, huh?
Oh well, I don't blame Whedon. 50/50 chance it wasn't his decision anyway. Studios sometimes bulldoze the writers/directors/producers, even if they're as big a name as Joss Whedon.
I really like Dollhouse so far. It's intriguing. Not that I would expect anything less! However, I do wonder at the casting of Eliza Dushku for the lead. It's not that I don't like her...it just feels to me like she's trying to compete with Sarah Michelle Geller. Eliza Dushku had supporting rolls in Buffy and Angel. She did a good job, certainly. But of course, Sarah Michelle Geller was the star of Buffy, and Charisma Carpenter was the "go-to girl" in Angel.
Glenn Quinn, who played Fred in Angel, is playing a supporting role in Dollhouse. Her character in Dollhouse seems to be slowly becoming more and more important. That's interesting to me, since her character in Angel sort of shaped up similarly. I don't think either character was ever intended to be "small", but their importance grew slowly, so that you became very attached to the character. I cried when Fred died in Angel. Sorry if that's a spoiler for any of you readers, but Angel's been finished for several years now, so I can't be blamed. D: You've had ample opportunity to see the show. XP Some might argue that Fred didn't really die...but she did, as a character. Illyria replaced her. Some of Fred's personality/emotions/memories rubbed off on Illyria, but they were not the same person.
I'm very interested in seeing how important Glenn Quinn's character in Dollhouse will become. I'm also approaching with caution, since there's parallels already. I wouldn't be too surprised if something bad happens. :(
Ok, thanks for taking the time to read my massive blog. XD I hope it entertained/enlightened/educated/amused you. :>
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