First Blog Post of 2009

I want to start by saying: I'm not happy with the layout. I picked the template that bothered me the least, and changed the colors around a little, but I don't intend for it to stay as it is. I'm a designer, for crying out loud! I'm going to design the layout, dangnabbit! (Hehe, "dangnabbit".) Give me some time...I'm not an HTML expert and DreamWeaver went "What the fish?!"** when I tried to import it for editing. XD

I say this is my first blog post, but I half-count my "news posts" on my webcomic. My webcomic is partly why I decided to make a blog here. I like to share things with people who care...about anything. I don't like social websites like MySpace or Facebook. I used to have a MySpace page, but I've abandonded it for personal and professional reasons. You know employers check MySpace now?
I'm not here to look for friends or dates. I have friends. That's not to say I will be rude or blow you off if you have a comment on something I post here...unless you're a jackass about it.
I'm happily engaged to a wonderful guy whom I will marry on October 31st, either this year or next year, depending on finances. It's the bride's family's duty to pay for the wedding, right? Well, my mom's been out of work since December 26, 2007. That's a long time! I've never had a paying job. I had a job at a horseback riding camp, and I was supposed to be paid, but never was. I do a lot of pro bono graphic design related work for family and friends.
I'm here because I need an outlet for my overly busy brain. I have an hour long commute to college, so it gives me a lot of time to think about things. I need to talk about things going on in my life. Not too deeply detailed or personal though. I know this is public! I'm not here to air out dirty laundry. I want to share my thoughts, opinions and experiences. Employers check blogs, so I want to maintain at least a moderate level of professionalism here. I want future employers/coworkers to know what kind of person I am, and what's happened/is happening in my life, but only if they want to know. Meaning, I don't mind if they read this, but they'll have to find it on their own time! XD

Since I have good family support, I'm not working while I'm in college. I live so far from where I go to school that I'd have to either give up sleep or homework in order to work and go to class, and either of those sacrifices would end up in failure. Plus with the economy as it is right now, there's not much work available, and I really can't deal with working in fast food. I can't stand up for hours on end without sitting down--it causes nasuea and numbness in my legs. I don't know why, as I've never really discussed it with my doctor. Poor circulation runs in my family though.

I also have my webcomic going right now. It's not progressing through the plot quite as fast as I'd hoped, but as with any creative project, it's taken on a life of its own. I'm mostly happy with it, though...more readers would be nice! (wink)

I recently had a major computer crash. GeekSquad recovered my files, thankfully...though they took $100 for it. >.>;; However, as I'm using a Toshiba Satellite A205-SS825, I have some problems. One--my tablet doesn't work properly with Vista. My tablet is a necessity with my graphic design projects...not only is it a hell of a lot easier to use than a mouse or touchpad, but it also decreases the likelyhood of CTS. I don't want CTS. I have enough health problems without adding that to it. So tabler = 100% necessity. Period. Two--Adobe CS3 doesn't seem fully compatible with Vista. I don't care if you disagree! I have 3gigs of RAM and Vista still lags like a 1 legged dog when I try to run CS3. Ever try to draw something in Photoshop when there's a 1.5 second lag between clicking on the artboard and what you draw shows up? It doesn't work! It can't be done! So I have to downgrade to XP. It was an epic pain in the ass to do the first time. Toshiba formatted their hardware to be dependant on Vista for proper functionality. Therefor, you have to jump through hoops of fire to downgrade the darn thing and have it work right. And you absolutely MUST have an external floppy drive.
The first time I downgraded, I borrowed one from a friend--who is now a 3 hour drive away. She dropped it in the mail for me today, and where ever she shipped it (she didn't say if it was FedEX or UPS or what) said it should arrive in 1 business day. So it should be here tomorrow.

I already knew my life revolved around my computer. My school, my future career, my recreational persuits and my social life all involve my computer. That's not sad--it's the modern reality of the life of a geek. You might theoretically post a comment saying I have no life, since my entire existence relies on my computer, and I take the time to post about it. But what would such a comment say about you? You, who takes the time to read far enough in to the blog to see that statement, and then takes the time to post a comment about it? You don't really have room to criticize, now do you? :) At least I know where I am and what I'm doing, and I have reasons for it.
Being without my computer from Thursday to the following Wednesday was pretty much hell. I couldn't talk to my real-life friends, who have all moved out of town for school or work. I don't have long distance, and my family's cell phones are minimal at best, and I don't really get signal in the house unless I squish myself against the livingroom window. They're too busy to call me. I talk to them online while they're doing other things, like work or class projects or research or whatever. My fiance calls me when he can, so I was able to keep in touch with him even without the computer. (He lives out of town, as he went to school in the same general area as the aforementioned friend who lives aprox. 3 hours away.) My online friends, whom I've met on various forums/message boards or MMORPGs, were quite out of reach. That sucked! One friend in England has a Wii, so I was able to memo him via my Wii, which was interesting. We also Brawled, which was fun. We were pretty evenly matched. I wasn't keeping score, so I don't know which of us won more times, but it seemed pretty 50/50 to me. ;P
I also got a bit behind on my school work without my computer as well. I need my CS3 to do work--and the discs are protected in such a way that once installed on a computer, they can only be installed on another computer if it's registered to the same person. My grandma's computer is not registered in my name, so I couldn't put it on her computer. :(
I got lucky though....if you want to put a positive spin on it. We had a snow day and a 2 hour delay day, which pretty much means 9 AM classes are cancelled. I only had a 9 AM class on that day, so it was pretty much 2 snow days for me. I still have to do a lot of catching up, tonight, tomorrow and over the weekend. (sigh) Kinda sucks, but I think I'll be able to catch up before it hurts me too much. ~.~

Ok, I don't want to go in to the big long....random thing...I was thinking about this afternoon. The concept needs refining before I post it, plus I need to download the photos that go with it from my camera to my computer, and fix them up.

**Before I go, let me explain the "What the fish!" thing. XD Last night, a friend of mine was trying to describe something that caused him to react in a WTF-ish least, that's what he was trying to say. But he didn't hyphenate it, so he said "wtfish". It...amused have no idea how much it amused me. I told him I was going to start saying "What the fish" because it amused me so much. So there you go, first instance of it being used since that declaration. =3

Ta-ta, folks~

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